Monday, March 3, 2014

"Ellen DeGeneres crashed twitter, by her All-Star selfie"

Ellen Degeneres, the most hilarious comedy host has set the record for most reTweets. This is for her All-Star Selfie Twitter post.The record is not only for most retweeted tweet of all-time, but she is also the first user to top 1 million retweets for a single post.Surpassing 1,300,000 retweets in less than an hour, @TheEllenShow posted the record-breaker while hosting the Oscars.

Besides Her tweet record, the Twitter has been crashed for a while as all the twitter eyes were on Ellen Degeneres, causing the official @TheAcademy account to apologize - twice."We got an email from Twitter and we crashed and broke Twitter. We have made history," DeGeneres said shortly after access to the social media site was disrupted due to sharing of her star-studded picture.

This photo surpassed the record that was set by President of America, Barack Obama a victory photo from the night of his re-election, tweeted Nov. 6, 2012. It has more than 780,000 retweets.

The complete list of 86th Academy award winners are posted here(


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