Thursday, February 27, 2014

"The changes in "whatsapp" after being bought by "Facebook" "

WhatsApp an easy and flexible way to chat with friends by sharing images,videos,documents etc in which it has around 400 million active users every month.This is a free app available in all platforms.And this has created a sensation in social networking which has become a competetor to facebook in message chatting.

Recently, Facebook has acquired whatsApp for $19 billion as they pay $4 billion in cash, $12 billion in Facebook shares and the other $3 billion in restricted stock units to be granted to whatsApp founders and employees that will vest over four years.

Now the users all over the world are so anxious about the changes that going to be happen in WhatsApp messenger.Some of the users are expecting that  there is should be no "last seen" time-stamp on the application, which mean that it is a great way to avoid the people with whom they don't want to chat with.This looks interesting if it gets implemented

Most of the girls are hoping for the friend requests as it happens in Facebook, so that there will be some security to girls users, to avoid chatting with strangers.These expectations and hopes shows the drawbacks of WhatsApp which mean that they need to be changed so that they can increase the users all over the world

But the true changes that are announced by facebook and the WhatAspp team are very few that their intention is not make any changes and they would like to carryon the momentum with what they have now.
But the change that is announced by whatsApp team is that the WhatsApp would be free  for the first year and later on it would be 0.99(USD).It also added the other feature, to hide the profile pictures of girls which would be annoying for them if a stranger will look at that picture

The latest updated news on FEB 21 is WhatsApp had brought the "last seen" notification to Android devices, a feature that is been anticipated from the users and also which was already present in ios devices.As per the latest reports this last seen time stamp also would be hided in windows phone as well by WhatsApp.

Another new feature supposedly included in WhatsApp for windows phone is the Background Gallery.The WhatsApp team is said to have added six new backgrounf wallpapers in addition to allowing users to take pictures, choose photos from an album, search pictures from the web and even delete pictures.In addition, features like media autodownload and custom notification have also spotted in the beta version.

But in the near future the Facebook may do a huge changes in whatsApp which might be advantageous or disadvantageous to the users.But the regular users all over the world are excitingly waiting for a that they can run both the social networking messengers in a single app.


The changes were made in whatsapp recently and you can find all the updates in this link provided here (


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