Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Want to know the Best Breakfast in each country around the World??"

There is a popular saying, 'breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper'. It's easy to neglect breakfast in the rush to get out of the house and dash to work, but for many cultures, the leisurely enjoyment of a morning meal is a chance to sample some of their most innovative and typical cooking. Here are some of the many breakfasts you might expect to encounter around the world.Here are the best breakfasts in each country


Best Breakfast:Toasted baguette with jam/honey/butter/Nutella

The French are minimalists when it comes to breakfast, but at least they offer customization options where the topping of the bread is concerned.The comedian Dylan Moran once said, "of course the French are a decadent people - they eat chocolate bread for breakfast." The French specialities of pain au chocolate, pain aux raisins and croissants, washed down with a generous swig of black coffee, are iconic. However, perhaps surprisingly for such a carnivorous nation, meat is largely absent from their breakfasts, normally only found on platters in hotels.


Best Breakfast:steamed Rice, boiled fish, miso soup

The main ingredients of the Japanese breakfast are miso soup and steamed rice, to which numerous side dishes can be added. Popular (and extremely healthy) accompaniments include grilled fish, dried seaweed and natto (fermented soya beans). As always in Japan, issues of etiquette are paramount. The rice should be placed on your left side, and the soup on your right.


Best Breakfast:Full English breakfast (fried egg, sausage, fried mushrooms, baked beans, hash browns, toast, and grilled tomato)

The iconic 'full English' breakfast should contain any or all of the following: bacon, eggs (fried, poached or scrambled), sausage, tomato, fried bread or toast, black pudding, mushrooms and baked beans. The resulting mixture should be accompanied by several cups of strong milky tea or black coffee for the hardy or hung-over. For those who like booze with their breakfast, the Bloody Mary is the acceptable face of breakfast drinking.


Best Breakfast:Varies from region to region but mostly paratha breads,idly,Dosa,puri,chapatis

The most delicious and variety of Breakfasts you can find it in India.However, it vary enormously between regions. Food in the North tends to be focused around such dishes as pavbajji,Wada pav,paratha,egg burji. In the South, there is a broader range, like idly ,dosa,puri served with various chutnees and sambar as well.You can find all these breakfasts on a single table at all parts of India, and make your tummy full with a single breakfast.


Best Breakfast:Eggs, toast, bacon or sausage, pancakes, home fries

Breakfast in America is synonymous with highly caloried, carbohydrate-heavy dishes such as blueberry pancakes drowned in maple syrup, bacon, fried egg, hash browns, grits and potato waffles. All of them can be served together for a gut-busting and extravagant feast. America's other great breakfast contribution is cereal. James Jackson is credited with its invention after he developed 'granola', a granulated wheat dough, at his New York sanatorium in 1863 as a way of introducing more fibre into the meat heavy American diet.


Best Breakfast:Chilaquiles (tortilla chips simmered in mole) or tripe with eggs

Chilaquiles are so delicious, they placed Mexico here on their merits alone. Otherwise, there aren’t too many food groups or options represented. Still, we’re entering must-try territory.


Best Breakfast: Halwa poori (unleavened fried bread, chickpeas, and sweet tahini loaf)

Now we're getting into interesting flavor combination territory! Pakistan’s most popular breakfast is an intriguing sweet & savory combination that includes chickpea stew, fried bread, and even a sugary treat -- it's like dessert for breakfast! With a lot of stew!


Best Breakfast:Toast with Vegemite (sometimes with cheese)

There’s literally only one food group represented here. And a bacterial byproduct. C'mon Australia, you've got emus. Can we at least get some giant eggs?


Best Breakfast:Kasha (a type of porridge), blini (blintzes)

Again, not too many food groups represented in a traditional Russian breakfast, and the color palette’s a little limited as well. If you're a fan of beige and/or wearing khakis, this is the breakfast for you.


Best Breakfast:Nasi lemak (coconut rice, anchovies, hot sauce, peanuts, and boiled egg)

Lots of food groups represented here and a flavor profile that borders on the aggressive. It's a polarizing dish even in Malaysia, where it's eaten at all times of the day. Gonna pass on the anchovies.


Best Breakfast: Bürli (rolls), Tilsiter cheese, cold cuts, butter & jam, soft boiled eggs, coffee, tea, fresh fruit, muesli

Switzerland’s spread places it square in the middle of the pack, in true Swiss fashion. Plenty of options, but in the end, you’re probably just gonna get some muesli.


Best Breakfast:Feta, tomato, cucumber, olives, toast, cherry jam, spicy Turkish sausage, Turkish tea

Even the DMV doesn't give out as many plates as you'll see on a Turkish kitchen table, as they go fully HAM on breakfast (without the inclusion of actual ham). The only downside to this is that cleanup must take forever.


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